Friday, October 27, 2006


I LOVED pre-school. I remember when I got to kindergarten the first day. I thought I would HATE it.. but I started playing with some other kids and my mum left without me even noticing.

When I was in primary school, I didn't want to leave. I LOVED year 6. I was the school captain, and loved being comfortable in the my surroundings. I loved the responsibility and the small amound of freedom it gave me. I loved the way the school worked, and how I could walk to school. I did not want to go to high school. I dreaded it... I thought 'nothing could be as good as this.. no way'.

When I was got to high school, I was scared. I had to catch the bus to school every day with all these older kids. My class (7 Rasp I think.. top class) was really wierd. I wasn't used to being with such a wide variety of kids from all different groups and different source schools with so few friends in my class. I remember realising how great the food was at the canteen. I mean, they sold chocolate eclairs in the canteen. How cool is that? And we could buy whatever hot food without ordering (gone were the days of early morning ordering at the canteen, and ending up with a mini pie and sauce every lunchtime because you couldn't decide what you would feel like 4 hours after you paid for it). As I grew up through the years, I just LOVED the freedom that we were allowed. The uniforms were not strict and in year 11 and 12 we could wear jeans. The structure of this school was such that it had 3 levels quite compactly arranged (with no windows, I might add...will explain that sometime) with large open walkways between departments. The seniors students are given the added benefit of OWNING the whole top level of the school during lunchtimes. From being basically told to stop loitering around the building during beak times, we were given the kings keys.. As seniors students we were allowed to leave the school whenever we wanted with little question....and did I mention the jeans. Who would want to leave this? Ended my career as dux which was a huge accomplishment in my books.. Again, as far to the top of a pile as I could get, before the inevitable drop to the bottom again...

College. More freedom, fantastic experiences, and heaps of fun times. My influence in the college has grown since I have been here. Have worked my way again to nearing the top of this pile.. well, as far as I would like. ASFA council, student worker aggreement committee, loans trust committee, SAM music coordinator, Graduation committee, head Teaching Materials Centre (library) worker to name some... These committees are HARD work.. and have taken most of my time for the last couple of years. It is actually really hard to move from the ignorant and complacent student, completely unaware of the politics going on, to being right in the thick of things and see how much it sucks. Truly, ignorance is bliss.. These have definately been the BEST years of my life. Better than preschool, better than primary or highschool by a long shot.. But that time has come again.. how could I leave this?

I have reached the end of a stage. I have always thought..'i have school, then college, then life'.. well... I guess that means that live begins. How scary! what is life but an ocean....sparce, seemingly endless, lonely?. Where have the markers gone? What is there to look forward to? how am I going to subdivide my time?

I am begining a new stage next year. My natural instinct is to be scared by the change. But my history tells me to trust... and to take the jump and it will be better than ever imaginable.

Watch... I'm gonna jump.


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