Thursday, November 02, 2006


Just for a bit of a conclusion to that other blog about injustice. For the first incident.. the yoghurt. That guy is about to be kicked out of college because of his actions. I promise I didn't go and dob him in or anything.. but the head of Education department called me into his office and he was disgusted to hear that one of the education students would act so stupidly. I don't expect that he will return next semester. I am in two minds about it though:
1. That sort of behaviour was violent and irrational. Next time, on the receiving end, could be someone weaker, or someone more likely to fight back. Or even worse, a child. With that in mind, I think that he should be sent away.
2. I am all for forgiveness and I think that Avondale has the potential to have a really good effect on him. I mean, I bet that the life and the people outside of Avondale could potentially turn him even worse. Who knows. In that mindset, I say.. let him stay and work on his behaviour in a conducive context.

The other incident... I went into my director's office today, and told him my frustration.. and told him that I forgive him for it. And asked for an apology. It was good. It was a resolution that was well timed, and I think that our relationship will be better now. He has promised that we will sing it for the graduation concert in december... lets see how his promise holds up.


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